Formatting Your Manuscript for Print

Getting your manuscript ready for publishing? If you’re aiming for print, the right formatting can make all the difference. In this blog, we'll provide a fun, easy guide to help you get your book looking sharp and ready for readers.

1. Kick Off with a Clean Slate

Before you dive into formatting, make sure your manuscript is polished and ready. Double-check for any last-minute typos or inconsistencies. Save your document in .docx or .rtf format—this keeps it friendly with all publishing platforms.

2. Set Up Your Document

  • Page Size & Margins: Choose your book’s size (like 6” x 9” for paperbacks). Set your margins to around 0.75” on all sides, but bump up the inside margin to 1” or 1.5” to leave room for binding.

  • Font & Size: Go for a classic font like Garamont or Times New Roman font, sized at 11 or 12 points. Avoid fancy fonts that might distract from your story.

  • Line Spacing: To keep your text readable, opt for 1.5 or double-spaced lines. Check your publisher’s specific spacing needs.

  • Justification & Indentation: Align your text to the left and indent the first line of each paragraph by 0.5”. Skip full justification to avoid awkward spacing.

3. Add the Essentials

  • Title Page: Start with your book’s title, subtitle (if you have one), and your name. If you're self-publishing in print, include publisher info here.

  • Table of Contents: For digital books, make it clickable so readers can easily navigate. For print, ensure it’s clear and correctly paginated.

  • Headers & Footers: Include headers with your book title or chapter names and page numbers in the footer for print. Digital formats usually handle this for you.

  • Chapters & Sections: Begin each chapter on a new page and use consistent headings. This keeps everything organized and reader-friendly.

4. Get Ready to Submit

  • PDF Conversion: Convert your final manuscript to PDF to lock in the layout. Make sure it's print-ready with proper bleed and trim settings.

  • Proofread: Read your PDF through again to catch any formatting hiccups. A professional proofreader can help spot any remaining issues.

5. Final Checks and Launch

Before you hit that submit button, do one last sweep to ensure everything’s in tip-top shape. Make sure you’ve followed any specific guidelines from your publisher or platform.

Find the Correct Manuscript Format with Help from AP&B

Manuscript formatting doesn’t have to be stressful. With these steps, you’ll have a polished, professional book ready to impress readers and publishers alike. To learn more, contact American Print and Bindery today.

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