
Choke refers to the process of slightly reducing the size of a printed element, usually to prevent misregistration in the printing process. This technique ensures that adjacent colors or elements fit together seamlessly without gaps or overlaps.




  • When printing a logo with a white outline on a colored background, a choke might be applied to the white area to ensure it fits perfectly within the color, preventing any background color from showing through due to slight misalignments.
  • In a multicolor print job, if a yellow circle is placed within a blue background, a choke can be used to slightly reduce the size of the blue area where it meets the yellow, ensuring a clean edge without any gaps.


  • Use Choke for Precise Alignment: When dealing with intricate designs or elements that need to align perfectly, applying a choke can help manage minor misregistrations.
  • Software Tools: Most professional design software, like Adobe Illustrator or InDesign, have built-in tools for applying choke and other trapping techniques.
  • Consult with Your Printer: Always discuss with your printing service to understand their specific requirements and capabilities for trapping, including choke, to ensure the best print quality.

By using choke correctly, you can achieve clean, professional-looking prints with perfectly aligned colors and elements. To learn more, contact the team at AP&B!