An extensive network of materials at your fingertips, and team of buyers from around the country with expertise in print and finishing techniques. Can’t find anything below. We can help you find or create the material you are looking for.

Book & Printing Papers

Choosing the right paper for your project is one of the most essential part of any print and bind project. Through our vast netowork of vendors, suppliers, and mills we can source most any paper for your project. Not sure what paper is best for your project, we can help find the best match.

Cover Papers & Materials

The texture brought from the cover material, or lamination can truly elevate your project and give it a unique look and feel. We have an expansive library of printable cover materials, cloths, leathers, and laminates to finish your project.

Ribbons & Closures & Headbands

Book ribbons, elastic enclosures, and headbands can add a subtle or bold last touch to your project. AP&B has expansive library with all of them, which are available in dozens of colors, sizes, forms, and textures.


Foils can be used to furnish cloth, leather, paper, and synthetic covers. We have an expansive library of foils designed for every surface each with different colors, patterns, textures, and reflective qualities.

Get started on your project
— Reach out to AP&B.

(734) 210-1860
Monday-Friday: 9am – 4pm