Copy Preparation

Copy preparation refers to the process of organizing and formatting text before it is sent to a printer or publisher. This includes editing, proofreading, and ensuring that the text meets the specifications required for the final print, such as layout, font choices, and any necessary adjustments for accuracy and consistency.


Text Preparation


  • Editing for Print: Before a brochure goes to print, the copy preparation process involves reviewing the text for errors, adjusting formatting, and ensuring that it aligns with the design specifications.
  • Proofreading for Accuracy: Copy preparation for a book involves careful proofreading to catch any typos or inconsistencies before the manuscript is finalized for printing.


  1. Thorough Proofreading: Always review your text multiple times to catch any errors or inconsistencies. It’s also helpful to have a fresh set of eyes, like a colleague or professional proofreader, to ensure accuracy.
  2. Follow Formatting Guidelines: Adhere to any specific formatting guidelines provided by the printer or publisher. This includes font sizes, margins, and line spacing to ensure the final print matches your vision.
  3. Check for Consistency: Ensure consistency in style, tone, and formatting throughout the document. This includes checking headings, bullet points, and other design elements for uniformity.
  4. Prepare for Various Formats: If the text will be used in different formats (e.g., print, digital), prepare and format it accordingly. This may involve creating different versions of the text to suit each format’s requirements.
  5. Use Professional Tools: Utilize tools and software designed for copy preparation to streamline the process and reduce the risk of errors. Programs like Adobe InDesign or Microsoft Word offer features that help with formatting and layout.

Effective copy preparation is crucial for producing high-quality printed materials. By carefully editing, formatting, and proofreading your text, you ensure that the final product is polished, professional, and exactly as you envisioned. Contact AP&B to learn more.