Expanded Type

Expanded type is a typographic technique where letters are stretched out horizontally to give them a wider, more impactful look. It’s like giving your text a bit more breathing room, making it stand out and grab attention in a design.


Wider Type


  • Headlines That Pop: When you use expanded type for headlines, you’re making them more noticeable and striking. It’s perfect for grabbing the reader’s eye and making a statement.
  • Unique Branding: For logos and branding, expanded type can add a distinctive flair, helping your brand’s name or slogan to be both memorable and bold.


  1. Keep It Readable: While expanded type can make your text more prominent, don’t overdo it. Stretching letters too much can make them hard to read. Aim for a balance where the text is both eye-catching and clear.
  2. Mix with Other Fonts: Pairing expanded type with other fonts? Great! Just make sure it complements rather than clashes with the rest of your design. Harmony in typography is key.
  3. Adjust Spacing: After expanding your type, tweak the spacing between letters and groups of letters. This little adjustment can make a big difference in how polished and professional your text looks.
  4. Test It Out: Check how your expanded type looks in different sizes. Whether it’s on a giant billboard or a tiny business card, you want it to look great and be legible.
  5. Balance Your Design: Use expanded type thoughtfully to create a well-balanced design. It’s a powerful tool, but too much can make your layout feel off-kilter.

Expanded type can really make your text pop and bring a fresh energy to your design. Just use it wisely, and you’ll add a bold, stylish touch to your projects! Learn more by contacting AP&B!