
Hydrophilic refers to a substance or material that has a strong affinity for water, allowing it to absorb or interact readily with water molecules. In print, it can apply to a range of finishes, coatings, and more.




  1. Paper Coatings: Hydrophilic coatings applied to paper surfaces enhance ink absorption and reduce drying time in printing processes, improving print quality and efficiency.
  2. Binding Adhesives: Hydrophilic properties in binding adhesives promote strong bonding with paper fibers, ensuring durable and secure binding for printed materials.
  3. Ink Formulations: Hydrophilic additives in ink formulations help maintain consistent ink flow and prevent ink repellency on various printing substrates, ensuring uniform coverage and color vibrancy.
  4. Print Finishes: Hydrophilic finishes on printed materials, such as magazines or brochures, contribute to a smooth and glossy appearance, enhancing visual appeal and readability.


  • Paper Selection: Choose printing papers with balanced hydrophilic properties to optimize ink adhesion, color saturation, and print durability.
  • Coating Applications: Consider hydrophilic coatings for printed materials requiring quick drying times, vibrant colors, and enhanced ink absorption, such as marketing collateral or publications.
  • Ink Compatibility: Ensure compatibility between ink formulations and substrate hydrophilicity to prevent printing issues like ink smudging, feathering, or poor adhesion.
  • Quality Control: Regularly test and monitor hydrophilic properties in printing materials, coatings, and inks to maintain consistent print quality and performance.
  • Consultation: Collaborate with printing professionals at American Print and Bindery to explore hydrophilic solutions tailored to your specific printing needs, achieving optimal results in print production and finishing.

To learn more about this or other printing techniques, contact American Print and Bindery today!