Kiss Impression

A kissing impression is a printing technique where minimal ink or pressure is used to create a subtle impression on paper or other materials.


Blind Embossing/Debossing


  • Elegant stationery with a subtle embossed logo or design.
  • Business cards featuring a debossed company name for a sophisticated touch.
  • Packaging with a kiss impression for a tactile and premium feel.
  • Wedding invitations with a subtle embossed border or monogram.
  • Book covers with a debossed title for added visual and tactile appeal.


  • Use high-quality paper or cardstock for best results and durability.
  • Work with a skilled printer or embosser to achieve precise and consistent impressions.
  • Consider the design and placement of the kiss impression to enhance overall aesthetics.
  • Experiment with different depths and pressures to achieve desired levels of embossing or debossing.
  • Incorporate kiss impressions strategically to complement other printing techniques and elevate the overall look and feel of printed materials.

To learn more about this or other printing techniques, contact American Print and Bindery today!