
Leaders are thin, solid lines or rules used in the layout of documents, typically found in tables of contents, indexes, and other lists. They guide the reader's eye from one piece of text to another, often extending from the end of the text to the page number or other related information.


Leading Lines


  • In a table of contents, leaders are used to connect chapter titles with their corresponding page numbers, providing a visual guide for easy navigation.
  • Leaders are often employed in index entries to align the item descriptions with the page numbers where the content can be found.


  • Ensure leaders are evenly spaced and aligned to maintain a clean and professional appearance in your printed materials.
  • Use appropriate spacing and line thickness to balance readability with aesthetic appeal, making sure leaders are neither too bold nor too faint.
  • Adjust leader settings in your layout software to match the style and formatting requirements of your document, ensuring consistency throughout.

To learn more about leaders or other print aspects, contact AP&B today!