Line Copy

In printing, "line copy" refers to text or graphics composed primarily of solid lines or simple shapes, typically used for logos, diagrams, charts, or illustrations. Line copy is characterized by its crisp edges and absence of gradations or tonal variations.


Line Art


  1. Logos: Many corporate logos are designed as line copy to ensure clarity and legibility at various sizes and on different materials.
  2. Technical Drawings: Architectural plans, engineering schematics, and technical illustrations often consist of line copy to convey precise information and details.
  3. Charts and Graphs: Line graphs, bar charts, and pie charts are often composed of line copy elements to clearly represent data points and trends.


  • Vector Graphics: Whenever possible, create line copy using vector graphics software such as Adobe Illustrator. Vector graphics ensure scalability without loss of quality, making them ideal for line-based artwork.
  • Use High-Quality Scans: If incorporating hand-drawn line copy into digital designs, scan the artwork at a high resolution to capture fine details accurately.
  • Ensure Sufficient Contrast: When printing line copy, ensure sufficient contrast between the lines and the background to maintain legibility and visibility, especially in small or intricate designs.
  • Test Print for Clarity: Before proceeding with a large print run, conduct test prints to ensure that the line copy appears crisp and legible, particularly at smaller sizes.
  • Consider Printing Techniques: Depending on the printing method and substrate, different techniques may be required to achieve optimal results with line copy. Consult with printing professionals to determine the best approach for your specific project.

To learn more about line copy or other print aspects, contact AP&B today!