
Make-ready in printing refers to the preparatory work and adjustments necessary to set up a printing press for a specific print job. This process involves fine-tuning the press, adjusting ink levels, ensuring proper registration, and running test prints to achieve the desired print quality before the actual production run begins.


Print setup


  1. Commercial Printing: The make-ready process for a large print run of catalogs included calibrating the press and running multiple test sheets to ensure color accuracy and alignment.
  2. Packaging: During the make-ready phase for packaging boxes, the press operator adjusted the die-cutting equipment to align perfectly with the printed graphics.
  3. Book Printing: For a high-quality book print job, make-ready involved checking the pagination and binding setup to ensure the pages were correctly ordered and trimmed.


  • Thorough Checklists: Use detailed make-ready checklists to ensure all aspects of the setup process are covered, including paper type, ink levels, and registration marks.
  • Skilled Operators: Employ experienced press operators who understand the intricacies of make-ready and can efficiently fine-tune the press for optimal results.
  • Regular Maintenance: Keep the printing press well-maintained to minimize setup time and reduce the likelihood of issues during make-ready.
  • Calibration Tools: Utilize advanced calibration tools and software to achieve precise color matching and alignment during the make-ready process.
  • Sample Runs: Conduct multiple sample runs and closely inspect them for any defects or inconsistencies before proceeding with the full production run.

To learn more about this or other print terms, contact AP&B today!